Valentine Day Gifts to Show Someone You Love

With Valentine Day literally round the corner, every heart that loves, desires to express that love on Teddy bear day. A teddy bear symbolizes the warmest of the hugs that gives the hugged one a feeling of security. Wrapped up in the arms on teddy day is what each one looks forward to.Teddy day is that day of the Valentine week when you can rejuvenate your love or mend your broken love with Garnet. The red gemstone!The pieces of a broken heartThat has fallen apartWill find a way to mendWith simple things like a smile,A touch, a feel and a hugTo find peace and feel loved.Whether you are alone or with your partner, Garnet is one gemstone that will heal you from inside as well as outside. This is one stone that works magically to put you back together and get the beautiful smile back on your face. Red color is the color of love and passion. It is the color of blood that motivates and energizes life. Teddy day is the day to actively express your love and passion. A teddy hug uplifts your mood and empowers you.Garnet GemstoneGarnet is the gemstone, which you can give as a valentine day gift. This stone is known to generate energy, courage and passion. Patch up with your broken love, express your love or find a new love with Garnet as this stone heals the heart chakra! Improve your emotional health of that of your beloved with this beautiful stone that can be gifted in the form of jewelry or as a tumbled stone to be placed in the house.India, the land of the Gods is where this beautiful, powerful Garnet stone comes from with amazing healing powers. Bring back joy and hope in your life this teddy bear day and light the fire of passion and willpower. Cleanse your heart chakra of all the negative energies and let Garnet balance the sex drive increasing the energies of the chakras.Gift a garnet this teddy bear day to inspire love, passion, commitment and devotion. The user/wearer also benefits as Garnet effect improves personal relationships as well as business relationships. A warm hug is a whisper from the heart. Gift each other this amazing gemstone this teddy day. Find the best quality, original garnet at the leading online gemstone portal, the Rockstar Rock Shop. Kindle the fire of love this Valentine week with gemstones and crystal that heal. You can also consult the crystal expert at the Rockstar Rock Shop to find the right stones and crystal that will balance and energize your chakras. Click here now to find the best valentine gift ideas.

Source: Valentine Day Gifts to Show Someone You Love

Rose The Symbol of Love – Rose Quartz The Stone of Love!!

The warmth of love will melt away the drab of the cold, harsh winters. Why not be different this Valentine. Why mess with roses and chocolates and flowers when you can give your partner a passion evoking rose quartz !!!

The rose quartz is a popular stone, not just for its soft pink color, but is associated with attracting and maintaining unconditional love. We all know that life is incomplete without love. Valentine day is an excuse to find and express love. I believe that each day is a day to express your love for the one you love, which makes the heart grow fonder. The hectic lifestyle does not leave us enough time to express love daily, wearing a rose quartz does calm the mind enough to think about your loved one and express your love for the partner.

Something about the rose quartz

Rose quartz is chemically SiO2 that is silicon dioxide, hexagonal crystals with a hardness of 7 (diamond being the hardest at 10). This opaque/translucent quartz is pale pink to rose colored, found in nature that makes up almost 12% of the Earth’s crust.

Rose quartz stone was used religious purposes as rose quartz palm stone, to make rose quartz jewelry like rose quartz bracelets, rose quartz beads for thousands of years. The metaphysical properties of rose quartz are experienced but not explained.

Each one of us wants our love to last for a lifetime. Jewelry is a romantic and passionate gift this Valentine for your valentine. Express your love for your partner with quartz crystal jewelry. If your partner is not a jewelry person, gift a rose quartz palm stone or some specimen wrapped in an appealing box. Bring back the romance in your life with rose quartz this Valentine.

You must be wondering how a mineral can improve your love life? Let me try and explain the logic behind it. Rose quartz is known to improve the heart and circulatory system. This automatically means that it improves breathing and calms the mind. A calm mind is open to emotions. It removes the negativity and enhances positivity. A positive mind and heart encourages the emotions of affection and love. The rose quartz is the stone of the heart chakra. It balances the energies of this power center.

With love filling the air, it’s the time to gift the ‘stone of love’ to your partner. Here are a few ideas how to wrap this ‘love stone’, if it is:

  • a rose quartz jewelry like a bracelet, wrap it in soft tissue and seal it with a heart sticker
  • a rose quartz palm stone can be placed in a transparent plastic box
  • a rose quartz gemstone can be placed on a black velvet and put in a box with a transparent lid

Add spark to your love life this Valentine with Rose quartz. Wear the stone of love, place it on the table or under your pillow and enjoy a romantic year, why just a romantic Valentine day? Don’t waste money on roses that will wilt in a few days. Gift a rose quartz this Valentine. Beware of fakes, buy rose quartz stones, beads or jewelry only from the Rockstar Rock Shop, the online portal for genuine gemstones.

Bring In The Change In Your Life With Fossilized Stones

Change is the only constant! Life and the world around us are unstable and ever-changing. Bring in the change you desire with fossil beads and fossilized stones. Stones are believed to provide stability and are like tuning forks that vibrate to re-align the vibrations to create harmony in life.

The question in every scientific mind today is do crystal, fossils, stones, rocks really have some energy. A scientist has put light on this aspect with a simple fact. Our computers and cell phone processors and displays are made of LCD or liquid crystal display that is powered by Silicon. Watches run on Quartz which is a silicate mineral. These minerals, stones do emit some vibratory frequency and stabilize and regulate the flow or energy.

Fossilized stones and crystals have a powerful effect on healing and spiritual growth and well being. For millions of years, gemstones, crystals and minerals have been used to enhance and maintain the physical and spiritual balance of physical, mental and emotional well being. Probably jewelry in the ancient times was connected to healing stones benefit and aligning the free flow of energy through the chakras.

Give it a thought and you will too realize that the jewel in the crown was to activate the crown chakra, the necklace stones to activate the heart chakra while the rings on the fingers and earrings to stimulate the energy and the reflex points.

How is a fossil formed?

Fossils are impression of prehistoric plants or animals that are sandwiched between sedimentary rocks. Ammonite is an extinct, prehistoric mollusc that became extinct with the dinosaurs. As ammonites inhabited the oceans, they are fossilized in marine rocks.

Orthoceras is another extinct marine animal that looked like our modern day squid. This 400 year fossilized animal is related to the root chakra and used to reduce tiredness, fatigue, anxiety and improve confidence by balancing the emotions.

The dinosaur bone fossils when worn, accesses knowledge of our past lives. This fossilized stone is believed to clear past life karmas.

Petrified wood is the most commonly y collected fossil as incredible patterns are naturally created in sedimentary layers. This fossilized wood helps you to concentrate and complete the tasks that seem never to finish.

One can buy fossil rocks online and most of the portals have fossil rocks for sale. The other fossilized rocks that are believed to have amazing healing power are tyrannosaurus rex tooth, mosasaur jaw, trilobite and petrified wood sphere.

There is a big fake market for all these fossilized stones, most of the time the portal that sells it does not know they are pedaling fakes. Rockstar rock shop is one of the leading portals that sells fossilized stones and other gems and crystals that are genuine. The rock collector identifies the stones, fossils and gems and the crystal expert guides you to use/wear what is most beneficial for you.

Visit Rockstar Rock Shop now to buy fossil rocks online and bring the desired change in your life.

The Healing Gemstones Associated With The Seven Chakras #1

Chakras are the life force energy centers in the human body which balance, store and distribute energy for good health and well being. Any imbalance causes stress, illness and disease. Mastering every chakra and synchronizing their functioning eventually transforms all life experiences into bliss.

Chakra Classification and where are they located

The chakras are classified into seven types and are located right in the midline of the human body. The 7 chakras govern our mental and instinctual psychology. Depending upon the balance and the energized store house, the chakras exhibit different activity levels. For the ideal functioning of the chakras, the chakras have to be ‘open’ and not be over active or under active.

A brief about Chakras and the associated chakra crystals

  1. The root chakra – represented by the color Red

This chakra is located on the last bone in the spine, signifies the foundation of the physical body. A balanced root chakra influences the energy, immune system, instincts, optimism and relationships. When over active it makes one greedy, selfish, aggressive and a sadist. An under active root chakra causes anxiety and lack of confidence.

Healing crystals for balancing the root chakra are bloodstone, agate, garnet, ruby, red jasper and hematite

2. Naval/Sacral chakra – represented by the color Orange

This chakra is located about two inches behind the naval and influences the creativity, sexuality, inspiration and emotions of the individual. It physically influences the spleen, bladder, liver and reproductive organs. When functioning properly, the individual is friendly, imaginative and focused. Under activity of naval chakra causes impotency, frigidity, bladder infection, confused and depressed. Over active chakra causes one to become too ambitious, self centered and cold.

Chakra gemstones for balancing are carnelian, coral, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurine and moonstone

3. Solar plexus or the third chakra – represented by the color Yellow

Situated at the base of the rib cage is the foundation of the mental body and physically influences the metabolism, muscles and the nervous system. A balanced chakra lets one relax and enjoy the life’s accomplishments. Imbalance in the chakra causes anger and frustration.

Balance the solar plexus chakra with healing crystals, citrine, amber, tiger eye, gold, gold calcite an citrine

4. Heart or the fourth chakra – represented by the color Green

The heart chakra is situated in the center of the chest, considered as a higher chakra related to the astral body connection. It influences empathy, compassion, forgiveness while on the physical it affects the lungs, circulation and endocrines.

When this chakra is open and balanced it gives the individual peace of mind. An imbalance gives birth to negativity, emotionally unstable, suspicious, unloved and obsessed.

Balance and unblock this chakra with emeralds, green and pink tourmaline, fluorite and moldavite, green jade, kunzite, rose quartz, ruby

To continue reading about the remaining vital three chakras, click here

The Healing Gemstones Associated With The Seven Chakras #2

The three vital chakras are located in the upper part of the human body. They are called as the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

5. The fifth chakra or the Throat chakra – represented by the color Blue

This chakra is situated at the base of the neck, influencing communication, self belief, artistic expression and wisdom. Physically the throat chakra influences the thyroid, mouth, teeth and the immune system. An open and balanced chakra allows free communication, especially when the connection with the Higher guidance through meditation. Am imbalanced fifth chakra causes communication problems, depression, chronic tiredness. Over activity of the chakra makes the individual egoistic, stubborn and dominating. Under activity leads to nervousness and becoming an introvert.

To balance this chakra, the chakra healing gemstones are blue sapphire, celestite, turquoise, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, kyanite, azurite

6. The brow chakra, the third eye or the sixth chakra – represented by color indigo

This chakra is located between the eyebrows which gives it its name. This chakra is also called the ‘third eye’ chakra, when balanced it gives one the ability to look into the past and see the future being linked to intuition, visualization and enlightenment. When this chakra is balanced, it gives a feeling of positivity and the courage to control our life.

Over activity of the brow chakra causes visual problems, nightmares and lack of clarity. Under activity causes confusion, spiritual fatigue, unassertiveness, panic attack, depression and psychological problems.

Unblock the sixth chakra with crystals like lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire or Indicolite tourmaline

7. Crown chakra – represented by the color Violet

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead. When it functions in balance, one is unprejudiced and aware of the world. It influences inspiration, idealism and connects with the universe. When the crown chakra is underactive, one is very rigid in the thinking. When overactive, the person is highly intellectualized and ignoring the bodily needs. The imbalance of this chakra causes apathy and reduced self confidence.

Unblocking and balancing of the chakra can be done with gemstones like amethyst, quartz crystal, diamond, selenite or alexandrite.

Each balance of each chakra is dependent on the functioning of the other chakras. The blocked chakras cause physical as well as emotional and mental illness. To let the energy flow freely through each chakra, it must work in sync and harmony. Modern western medicine does not believe in the concept of chakras, but the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda interprets the relation between illness and realignment and balancing of the chakras with meditation, herbal treatments and the chakra healing stones.

The energy is believed to rise from the base of the spine, that is the root chakra and move up towards the crown chakra. Any blockage in the path manifests in physical, emotional or mental illness. Gemstone and healing crystals unblock and align the working of the chakra, thereby ensuring that the energy travels freely between the chakras and the individual is healthy and happy.

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