Celebrate Valentine’s Day with healing gemstones!

“A hug is a wonderful gift to share,

It is a way to show you care,

A hug expresses support through times good and bad,

It comforts a heart that is sad”

Gather each other in a sensual and exciting embrace this Valentine’s Day and reflect on what you have learned together.  After that time spent wrapped in each other’s arms, give your loved one an unconventional Valentine’s gift early. Normal is boring! Right? Make your gift unforgettable and give them the precious gift of Jade.

Wondering what does a stone have to do with Valentine’s Day? Well, nephrite jade is not just a stone, but a healing gemstone. This ancient stone has the metaphysical properties to attract love. Jade is also associated with the heart chakra. Jade has long been known as a stone of protection. The next time you hold that someone special close to you make certain they always feel safe and secure because your timeless gift. Attract love this Valentine’s day and feel secure with your gift of jade.

Jade can be one of two different minerals, jadeite and nephrite. They each have similar healing properties, are green in color,  and look really beautiful. The color of jade may vary from pale cream to yellow in nephrite and various shades of greens in jadeite.

Nephrite Jade

Jade makes an ideal gift this Valentine’s day for your love or even treat yourself. It is suitable for everyone and is believed to have a slow, but long lasting effect on the wearer/user. Jade is believed to have restorative effects, restore your love life with jade! Jade the ‘dream stone’, soothes the mind, removes negativity, integrates the mind with the body and stimulates ideas to make tasks less complicated. Use jade to help lift self imposed limitations and express your love and intentions to be with each other forever. Jade’s heart chakra connection helps heal and balances energies for emotional and physical well being. Experience the same feeling as a hug when you use this stone to energize yourself and rejuvenate the emotional relationship.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can use jade for healing:

  • Wear jade to balance your energy and  to boost your confidence as well
  • It calms and heals the nervous system and strengthens your life force’s ability to regenerate cells
  • Jade helps to keep depression away and improves your love life
  • Meditating and even holding nephrite jade has a calming effect, improves confidence and gives a feeling of security
  • Jade is also said to attract abundance, wealth, health, and success

Wondering where you can buy this amazing stone. Remember to show someone special the lasting gift of jade. Rockstar Rock Shop is here to help share our love with you this Valentine’s Day, order jade plus many other gemstones and healing crystals and surprise the with a real gift of love. Click on the link to buy nephrite jade and wrap yourself in the magic of this stone today.

Valentine Day Gifts to Show Someone You Love

With Valentine Day literally round the corner, every heart that loves, desires to express that love on Teddy bear day. A teddy bear symbolizes the warmest of the hugs that gives the hugged one a feeling of security. Wrapped up in the arms on teddy day is what each one looks forward to.

Teddy day is that day of the Valentine week when you can rejuvenate your love or mend your broken love with Garnet. The red gemstone!

The pieces of a broken heart

That has fallen apart

Will find a way to mend

With simple things like a smile,

A touch, a feel and a hug

To find peace and feel loved.

Whether you are alone or with your partner, Garnet is one gemstone that will heal you from inside as well as outside. This is one stone that works magically to put you back together and get the beautiful smile back on your face. Red color is the color of love and passion. It is the color of blood that motivates and energizes life. Teddy day is the day to actively express your love and passion. A teddy hug uplifts your mood and empowers you.

Garnet Gemstone

Garnet is the gemstone, which you can give as a valentine day gift. This stone is known to generate energy, courage and passion. Patch up with your broken love, express your love or find a new love with Garnet as this stone heals the heart chakra! Improve your emotional health of that of your beloved with this beautiful stone that can be gifted in the form of jewelry or as a tumbled stone to be placed in the house.

India, the land of the Gods is where this beautiful, powerful Garnet stone comes from with amazing healing powers. Bring back joy and hope in your life this teddy bear day and light the fire of passion and willpower. Cleanse your heart chakra of all the negative energies and let Garnet balance the sex drive increasing the energies of the chakras.

Gift a garnet this teddy bear day to inspire love, passion, commitment and devotion. The user/wearer also benefits as Garnet effect improves personal relationships as well as business relationships. A warm hug is a whisper from the heart. Gift each other this amazing gemstone this teddy day. Find the best quality, original garnet at the leading online gemstone portal, the Rockstar Rock Shop. Kindle the fire of love this Valentine week with gemstones and crystal that heal. You can also consult the crystal expert at the Rockstar Rock Shop to find the right stones and crystal that will balance and energize your chakras. Click here now to find the best valentine gift ideas.

Gift a Gemstone to Your Valentine This Valentine

Who does not want to add more romance to their love life? Roses will wilt, chocolates will simply add unnecessary calories, teddy bear will be an added junk in the house. Celebrate Valentine’s by gifting your valentine the gemstone or crystals to improve the physical, mental and emotional well being.

Western astrology assigns a gemstone according to the month of birth. There are the twelve months to which a stone is assigned. This stone for every month is believed to activate the chakras, the energy center. Any disturbance or blockage in the chakra causes emotional, physical and emotional ill health. The crystals and gemstones activate these chakras and ensure the free flow of energy which improves the physical, mental and emotional state of mind of the wearer.

Every gemstone is believed to have an effect on the wearer. Whether these gemstones are worn as gemstone jewelry or as healing crystals, it is believed to bring good fortune to the wearer and harmonize the vibrations for good health and mental happiness. A calm and composed mind is open to giving and accepting love and affection. Gift a gemstone to your Valentine and experience your relationship bloom.

Choose the right gemstone as per the birth month and know the benefits before you gift your valentine a natural gemstone. Here is a table for you to find your valentine’s birthstone.

Month of


January Garnet
February Amethyst
March Blood Stone
April Diamond
May Emerald
June Pearl
July Ruby
August Sardonyx / Peridot
September Sapphire
October Opal / Tourmaline
November Topaz
December Turquoise / Lapis



Lets us understand the power of each gemstone for the wearer and what they symbolize. The gemstones can be made into gemstone jewelry and gifted to your valentine.

Garnet: this stone is a symbol of faith and love. It increases the self image, will power and energy levels of the wearer.

Amethyst: it strengthens the love bond and is known to steady a restless mind. Tumbled amethyst when placed near the window is believed to remove the negativity in the house.

Aquamarine: this gemstone is associated with good health, releases negative energy and brings mental clarity to the wearer by reducing stress.

Diamond: the symbol of everlasting love is also a symbol of purity and courage. A diamond is for eternal love and romance.

Emerald: is associated with love and fertility, signifies wisdom and patience.

Pearl: suggests stability in a marriage relationship and chastity. It is a symbol of purity and is worn to calm the mind and control anger.

Ruby: the red color of rubies signifies love and passion. Rubies are for peace, harmony and nobility of character. It is also called the ‘king of gems’ and known to protect the wearer from evil.

Peridot : the evening emerald is a symbol of strength is known to ward off depression.

Sapphire: symbolizes wisdom, purity, dignity, faith and loyalty.

Opal: is known to repel evil and symbolize faithfulness, creativity and innocence.

Topaz: is known to increase the strength and intellect of the wearer. It symbolizes love and affection.

Turquoise: this gemstone is regarded as the love charm. It is worn for good fortune, success and known to protect the wearer from harm.

Gift the right healing gemstone to your valentine and watch your love bloom as soon as the gemstone vibrations harmonize the vibrations of your valentine.

Find the genuine natural gemstones at rockstar rock shop, which is true value for your money as a valentine gift. Click here to buy magical gift from the best online portal for gemstones, healing crystals, gemstone jewelry and expert advice from the crystal healer.


Unravel The Birthstone Secrets To a Happy and Successful Life From 2016 Onwards

Every individual is associated with a birth stone according to the month of birth. The gemstone beads or the semi precious beads can actually make or break your life pattern. Know your birthstone and how to use it to your advantage, whether you are looking for peace of mind, success at your workplace, good health and happiness. Here is a summary of your birthstone to help you find your talisman and change your luck and future.

Garnet – the January birthstone

Garnet is associated with peace, good health and prosperity for the January born. The garnet is an intense, vivid and rich semi precious red crystal also called as the ‘gem of faith’.

Amethyst – the February birthstone

The stone keeps the wearer calm, sharp and quick witted, while it wards of the alluring power of intoxication.

Aquamarine – the March birthstone

The serene and majestic, sea green colored aquamarine is believed to keep the wearer calm, peaceful and stoic under the most provocative circumstances.

Diamond – the April birthstone

The symbol of eternity, Diamond is the birth stone for April born is a symbol of romance, love, bonding, sensuality and commitment and loyalty in a relationship. Diamond is believed to bestow clarity and abundance of health, wealth and happiness to the wearer.

Emerald – the May birthstone

The shimmering green hue symbolizes revitalization and renewal of life. It represents loyalty, friendship and faithfulness. The wearer is bestowed with prosperity, increase in the intuitive capability, foresight and good health. Emerald enhances and balances the energies of the wearer.

Pearl, alexandrite and moonstone – the June birthstones

With three birthstones, each gem complements and enhances the qualities of the June born. Pearls, a symbol of purity and chastity signifies faithfulness, friendship and loyalty. Alexandrite is believed to increase the intuition and creativity of the wearer, while moonstone signifies good health and longevity.

Ruby – the July birthstone

Ruby is also referred to as the ‘king of gems’, believed to protect the wearer from evil. The red ruby symbolizes strength, confidence, courage and leadership and is also associated with passion and love.

Peridot – the August birthstone

The lime green peridot is associated with peace, happiness and good fortune. Also called as the ‘evening emerald’, peridot is known to ward off evil and bestow peace and progress in the life of the wearer.

Sapphire – the September birthstone

Sapphire is believed to protect the wearer from harm and envy. The gem signifies truth and faithfulness. It acts as a talisman against temptations and believed to boost intuition and good health. The gem gives inner peace to the wearer and develops a positive attitude too.

Opal and Tourmaline – the October birthstones

These two are the most radiant gems for making jewelry. Opal symbolizes hope while tourmaline is known to dispel anger, fear and jealously. Tourmaline bestows the wearer with peace, progress and enhanced creativity.

Citrine and Topaz – the November birthstones

Topaz exhibits an array of colors, the fiery gold color symbolizes the Egyptian Sun God Ra. Topaz is associated with passion and determination while citrine with peace, prosperity, loyalty and healing. Wearing a topaz promotes wisdom, bestows clear reasoning and enhances spirituality. Citrine promotes good health and encourages vitality, bringing hope and energy to the wearer.

Turquoise, zircon and tanzanite – the December birthstones

Turquoise symbolizes wealth and prosperity, Zircon symbolize purity and chastity, while Tanzanite offers the wearer a pathway to spirituality by activating the chakras. All three stones protect the wearer against evil, bestow peace, good fortune and healing properties that promotes tranquility.

Now that you know your birthstone, the Rockstar rock shop is the leading gemstone portal that has the pure, natural, genuine, wholesale stone beads for your good health, well-being, success and prosperity. Visit now to unravel the secret behind handmade crystal jewelry, have a look at the wide range of stone beads, precious stone beads and semi precious stone beads that have been artistically designed into jewelry for you.

If you are confused about what stone will suit, consult the crystal healing expert and begin a stress free life from 2016!

For More Details Click http://www.rockstarrockshop.com/