Valentine Day Gifts to Show Someone You Love

With Valentine Day literally round the corner, every heart that loves, desires to express that love on Teddy bear day. A teddy bear symbolizes the warmest of the hugs that gives the hugged one a feeling of security. Wrapped up in the arms on teddy day is what each one looks forward to.

Teddy day is that day of the Valentine week when you can rejuvenate your love or mend your broken love with Garnet. The red gemstone!

The pieces of a broken heart

That has fallen apart

Will find a way to mend

With simple things like a smile,

A touch, a feel and a hug

To find peace and feel loved.

Whether you are alone or with your partner, Garnet is one gemstone that will heal you from inside as well as outside. This is one stone that works magically to put you back together and get the beautiful smile back on your face. Red color is the color of love and passion. It is the color of blood that motivates and energizes life. Teddy day is the day to actively express your love and passion. A teddy hug uplifts your mood and empowers you.

Garnet Gemstone

Garnet is the gemstone, which you can give as a valentine day gift. This stone is known to generate energy, courage and passion. Patch up with your broken love, express your love or find a new love with Garnet as this stone heals the heart chakra! Improve your emotional health of that of your beloved with this beautiful stone that can be gifted in the form of jewelry or as a tumbled stone to be placed in the house.

India, the land of the Gods is where this beautiful, powerful Garnet stone comes from with amazing healing powers. Bring back joy and hope in your life this teddy bear day and light the fire of passion and willpower. Cleanse your heart chakra of all the negative energies and let Garnet balance the sex drive increasing the energies of the chakras.

Gift a garnet this teddy bear day to inspire love, passion, commitment and devotion. The user/wearer also benefits as Garnet effect improves personal relationships as well as business relationships. A warm hug is a whisper from the heart. Gift each other this amazing gemstone this teddy day. Find the best quality, original garnet at the leading online gemstone portal, the Rockstar Rock Shop. Kindle the fire of love this Valentine week with gemstones and crystal that heal. You can also consult the crystal expert at the Rockstar Rock Shop to find the right stones and crystal that will balance and energize your chakras. Click here now to find the best valentine gift ideas.