Celebrate Valentine’s Day with healing gemstones!

“A hug is a wonderful gift to share,

It is a way to show you care,

A hug expresses support through times good and bad,

It comforts a heart that is sad”

Gather each other in a sensual and exciting embrace this Valentine’s Day and reflect on what you have learned together.  After that time spent wrapped in each other’s arms, give your loved one an unconventional Valentine’s gift early. Normal is boring! Right? Make your gift unforgettable and give them the precious gift of Jade.

Wondering what does a stone have to do with Valentine’s Day? Well, nephrite jade is not just a stone, but a healing gemstone. This ancient stone has the metaphysical properties to attract love. Jade is also associated with the heart chakra. Jade has long been known as a stone of protection. The next time you hold that someone special close to you make certain they always feel safe and secure because your timeless gift. Attract love this Valentine’s day and feel secure with your gift of jade.

Jade can be one of two different minerals, jadeite and nephrite. They each have similar healing properties, are green in color,  and look really beautiful. The color of jade may vary from pale cream to yellow in nephrite and various shades of greens in jadeite.

Nephrite Jade

Jade makes an ideal gift this Valentine’s day for your love or even treat yourself. It is suitable for everyone and is believed to have a slow, but long lasting effect on the wearer/user. Jade is believed to have restorative effects, restore your love life with jade! Jade the ‘dream stone’, soothes the mind, removes negativity, integrates the mind with the body and stimulates ideas to make tasks less complicated. Use jade to help lift self imposed limitations and express your love and intentions to be with each other forever. Jade’s heart chakra connection helps heal and balances energies for emotional and physical well being. Experience the same feeling as a hug when you use this stone to energize yourself and rejuvenate the emotional relationship.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can use jade for healing:

  • Wear jade to balance your energy and  to boost your confidence as well
  • It calms and heals the nervous system and strengthens your life force’s ability to regenerate cells
  • Jade helps to keep depression away and improves your love life
  • Meditating and even holding nephrite jade has a calming effect, improves confidence and gives a feeling of security
  • Jade is also said to attract abundance, wealth, health, and success

Wondering where you can buy this amazing stone. Remember to show someone special the lasting gift of jade. Rockstar Rock Shop is here to help share our love with you this Valentine’s Day, order jade plus many other gemstones and healing crystals and surprise the with a real gift of love. Click on the link to buy nephrite jade and wrap yourself in the magic of this stone today.

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