Bring In The Change In Your Life With Fossilized Stones

Change is the only constant! Life and the world around us are unstable and ever-changing. Bring in the change you desire with fossil beads and fossilized stones. Stones are believed to provide stability and are like tuning forks that vibrate to re-align the vibrations to create harmony in life.

The question in every scientific mind today is do crystal, fossils, stones, rocks really have some energy. A scientist has put light on this aspect with a simple fact. Our computers and cell phone processors and displays are made of LCD or liquid crystal display that is powered by Silicon. Watches run on Quartz which is a silicate mineral. These minerals, stones do emit some vibratory frequency and stabilize and regulate the flow or energy.

Fossilized stones and crystals have a powerful effect on healing and spiritual growth and well being. For millions of years, gemstones, crystals and minerals have been used to enhance and maintain the physical and spiritual balance of physical, mental and emotional well being. Probably jewelry in the ancient times was connected to healing stones benefit and aligning the free flow of energy through the chakras.

Give it a thought and you will too realize that the jewel in the crown was to activate the crown chakra, the necklace stones to activate the heart chakra while the rings on the fingers and earrings to stimulate the energy and the reflex points.

How is a fossil formed?

Fossils are impression of prehistoric plants or animals that are sandwiched between sedimentary rocks. Ammonite is an extinct, prehistoric mollusc that became extinct with the dinosaurs. As ammonites inhabited the oceans, they are fossilized in marine rocks.

Orthoceras is another extinct marine animal that looked like our modern day squid. This 400 year fossilized animal is related to the root chakra and used to reduce tiredness, fatigue, anxiety and improve confidence by balancing the emotions.

The dinosaur bone fossils when worn, accesses knowledge of our past lives. This fossilized stone is believed to clear past life karmas.

Petrified wood is the most commonly y collected fossil as incredible patterns are naturally created in sedimentary layers. This fossilized wood helps you to concentrate and complete the tasks that seem never to finish.

One can buy fossil rocks online and most of the portals have fossil rocks for sale. The other fossilized rocks that are believed to have amazing healing power are tyrannosaurus rex tooth, mosasaur jaw, trilobite and petrified wood sphere.

There is a big fake market for all these fossilized stones, most of the time the portal that sells it does not know they are pedaling fakes. Rockstar rock shop is one of the leading portals that sells fossilized stones and other gems and crystals that are genuine. The rock collector identifies the stones, fossils and gems and the crystal expert guides you to use/wear what is most beneficial for you.

Visit Rockstar Rock Shop now to buy fossil rocks online and bring the desired change in your life.