The Healing Gemstones Associated With The Seven Chakras #2

The three vital chakras are located in the upper part of the human body. They are called as the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

5. The fifth chakra or the Throat chakra – represented by the color Blue

This chakra is situated at the base of the neck, influencing communication, self belief, artistic expression and wisdom. Physically the throat chakra influences the thyroid, mouth, teeth and the immune system. An open and balanced chakra allows free communication, especially when the connection with the Higher guidance through meditation. Am imbalanced fifth chakra causes communication problems, depression, chronic tiredness. Over activity of the chakra makes the individual egoistic, stubborn and dominating. Under activity leads to nervousness and becoming an introvert.

To balance this chakra, the chakra healing gemstones are blue sapphire, celestite, turquoise, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, kyanite, azurite

6. The brow chakra, the third eye or the sixth chakra – represented by color indigo

This chakra is located between the eyebrows which gives it its name. This chakra is also called the ‘third eye’ chakra, when balanced it gives one the ability to look into the past and see the future being linked to intuition, visualization and enlightenment. When this chakra is balanced, it gives a feeling of positivity and the courage to control our life.

Over activity of the brow chakra causes visual problems, nightmares and lack of clarity. Under activity causes confusion, spiritual fatigue, unassertiveness, panic attack, depression and psychological problems.

Unblock the sixth chakra with crystals like lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire or Indicolite tourmaline

7. Crown chakra – represented by the color Violet

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead. When it functions in balance, one is unprejudiced and aware of the world. It influences inspiration, idealism and connects with the universe. When the crown chakra is underactive, one is very rigid in the thinking. When overactive, the person is highly intellectualized and ignoring the bodily needs. The imbalance of this chakra causes apathy and reduced self confidence.

Unblocking and balancing of the chakra can be done with gemstones like amethyst, quartz crystal, diamond, selenite or alexandrite.

Each balance of each chakra is dependent on the functioning of the other chakras. The blocked chakras cause physical as well as emotional and mental illness. To let the energy flow freely through each chakra, it must work in sync and harmony. Modern western medicine does not believe in the concept of chakras, but the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda interprets the relation between illness and realignment and balancing of the chakras with meditation, herbal treatments and the chakra healing stones.

The energy is believed to rise from the base of the spine, that is the root chakra and move up towards the crown chakra. Any blockage in the path manifests in physical, emotional or mental illness. Gemstone and healing crystals unblock and align the working of the chakra, thereby ensuring that the energy travels freely between the chakras and the individual is healthy and happy.

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